Yoga Nidra (Sleep)
Yoga Nidra can be practiced by anyone. It holds immense benefits for all those who struggle to let go, those who suffer from lack of sleep, trauma, burn-out, and anxiety. It is also highly beneficial and holds great healing power for anyone who wants to experience a deeper sense of peace and re-connect more profoundly with themselves. The practice of Yoga Nidra leads us into a state of harmonious, restful being. From here, we can heal, restore, and awaken to our true, blissful, and eternal Self. This sublime practice is gaining popularity all over the world as more and more people experience its healing powers while ongoing research continues to prove its effectiveness.
Yoga Nidra literally means yogic sleep. It is an ancient technique where the practitioner enters the deep states of conscious relaxation. It is a systematic practice of moving awareness from our external world to the inner world.
It brings us to a state of deep sleep where our senses, intellect, and mind relax. We become free from the concepts of time, space, and reason. When this happens, brain activity reduces, and the body goes in the healing state. Therefore, it is also said that one hour of yoga Nidra can give the same benefit of a four-hour sleep. As the body enters a healing state, you can clear up the toxins at a cellular level, refresh the mind and remove baggage from the subconscious.
How Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation Works
From alpha, you go into a deep alpha and high theta brain-wave state, the dream state, REM sleep. In theta, your thoughts slow down to 4 to 8 thoughts per second. This is where super learning happens. Kids and artists experience a lot more theta activity in their brains. Emotional integration and release also happen here, and structures in the brain change. It’s here that some people sometimes have random thoughts or see images. A person in theta may see colors or visions or hear the voice of a person talking yet at the same time not hear this voice. It’s where you being to enter the gap of nothingness.
After theta, you are guided to delta, where your thoughts are only 1 to 3.9 thoughts per second. This is the most restorative state, in which your organs regenerate, and the stress hormone cortisol is removed from your system.
Rejuvenates the body
Reduces stress
Improves concentration
Improves memory
Improves ANS response